Prodáct: Created by SEO Experts to Become the Best SEO Website Builder

Reading time 4 minutes Website builders have gained a bad reputation when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and not without reason. Many sites, especially older ones constructed using builders, have excessive amounts of code, slow performance, and often lack the necessary settings for successful search engine optimization. This makes their promotion impossible, and the resources invested in creating these sites are irrevocably lost from the moment you wish to attract visitors from search engines. However, not all builders are alike. Prodáct is a website builder created to be loved by search engines. The creators of Prodáct have over 15 years of experience in search engine optimization and have taken everything into account to ensure that websites built with Prodáct are excellently ranked in search engines.

What Makes Prodáct the Best Website Builder for SEO?

Clean code

Search engines like Google, Bing, and others don't see the site as humans do. They view the HTML code of the pages. You can also see this if you right-click and select Show/View Page Source. It looks like this:

From this code, robots understand what your page is about and its content.

When the volume of code dedicated to design significantly exceeds that of the content, search engines might deem such a page irrelevant and exclude it from search results.

Prodáct sites have clean, uncluttered code. Use the right mouse button to check it right now!

Ability to Fill Meta Tags

Search engines read a site's meta tags, such as Title and Description, which help them understand the content on the site. Furthermore, the title is displayed in search engine results, serving as one of the most crucial factors for click-through rates.

In some website builders, it's impossible or extremely difficult to change these data. In Prodáct, you can fill in the titles in the settings of each page.

Human-Friendly URLs

You probably also appreciate when you can tell what you will find on a page just by its link. Such addresses are called human-friendly.

For example, a human-friendly URL might look like this:, while a non-human-friendly URL could look like this:

Human-friendly URLs reflect the essence of the page and, importantly, can be read by a person in the search engine results. That is why search engines prefer such URLs. Setting them up in Prodáct is very easy: select the Page URL tab in the page settings, enter your address, and save.

Mobile Optimization

Since the widespread adoption of smartphones, up to 90% of visits come from mobile devices. Thus, how mobile-friendly your site is becomes crucial. Search engines are aware of this. For example, in 2015, Google launched its Mobile-Friendly Update, unofficially dubbed Mobilegeddon. This algorithm aims to enhance the user experience on mobile devices by improving the rankings of web pages optimized for viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Pages not adapted for mobile devices might see a decline in their positions in mobile search results.

All sites created using Prodáct automatically receive their mobile version. You can edit it as you see fit by simply switching the view in the website editor. Move elements around or hide them—the mobile version can be completely independent of the desktop version.

Fast Loading

Users dislike waiting, and search engines know this. Unfortunately, on many website builders, the response time and loading speed are very high. Combined with other factors, this can negatively impact the site's rankings. At Prodáct, we work daily to reduce the loading time of sites in any location.

Easy Setup of Webmaster Systems

If you want to improve your site's search performance and monitor its results, we recommend setting up webmaster panels. In Prodáct, this can be done in just three clicks.

Optimization of Headings

Last but not least. All headings on a site are tagged from H1—the most significant heading, to H6—the least significant. As with other factors, this tagging helps search robots understand the content's structure. For instance, H1 represents the main page title and appears only once, so it makes sense to incorporate the main keywords there. If this heading is used incorrectly, for instance by including less important information, the chances of ranking for desired queries significantly drop.

In Prodáct, all templates are already created with proper heading markup. You can also change the heading type of any text element. Just open its properties.

In Conclusion

Prodáct is not only a simple and flexible website builder but also an excellent tool for attracting customers from search engines.

Elevate your web creation experience with Prodáct