Made for you: why Prodáct is ideal for freelancers

Drawing on years of experience with the challenges freelancers and web developers encounter daily, we've developed a tool designed to streamline website creation and promotion, helping you increase your earnings.

Streamlined Interface

Prodáct boasts a user-friendly interface designed for ease of use.

We've crafted it so that you can begin development immediately, without the need for extensive training.

Easy Start

Getting started with website creation is simple. We offer a variety of templates to help you begin. However, if you're already familiar with using website builders, you have the option to start from scratch.

Flexibility and Control

In Prodáct, a website page is composed of sections, with each section made up of individual elements. This allows you to add, alter, or delete any element within a section, providing extensive flexibility for diverse design options.

Grid Versatility

Prodáct's grid system offers three modes for element management, all switchable with a single click: Free Mode for precise placement, Grid Mode for quick alignment, and Static Mode for safe text and image editing. This ensures the design remains intact when clients make updates.

For Mobile

We've prioritized mobile optimization, ensuring sites automatically adjust to smartphones. A dedicated mode allows for manual tweaks specific to the mobile version, without affecting the desktop version.

You can also choose to hide any blocks or elements on mobile.

SEO Excellence

Prodáct prioritizes SEO by incorporating clean, compact code and fast loading speeds. We've also included customizable headers, redirects, and other features designed to boost your search engine rankings.

Duplication Features

Understanding the importance of replicating site components, our builder allows for the duplication of everything from elements and sections to entire pages and sites.

Affordable Pricing Strategy

Prodáct's Business plan supports up to 5 sites for just $35 per month when paid biennially, effectively costing only $3.5 per site. Additionally, you can easily transfer sites to client accounts using our cost-effective single-site plan.

Affiliate Program

Additionally, our Affiliate program offers a 30% commission for each client you refer. Even sites transferred to clients are eligible for this program.

Join Us

Try today and see for yourself how much easier and more efficient your work can become.